chiedo scusa a tutti. agli abbonati, agli utenti, agli affilati (che comunque terrò in home) ma non riesco proprio a stare dietro al portfolio quindi mi vedo costretta a chiuderlo dopo mesi di una lenta morte. -mads
down to ride till the happy end, is me and my girlfriend
R O A R ♒ i used to bite my tongue and hold my breath, scared to rock the boat and make a mess so i sat quietly, agreed politely. i guess that i forgot i had a choice, i let you push me past the breaking point [...]

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need to see more of these pretty little things?

i love you
you do?
i do
i love you too

faye felt a warm liquid drip onto her top lip, with one hand still holding the skull she swiftly wiped the area under her nose. to her surprise it was blood. she inhaled deeply at the sight, but continued to recite the spell, over and over again. ₪ fayeted